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Members in Transition

Josh Purdy , SIM Membership Chair

Let's work together to assist our Members In Transition (MIT)

With our community dealing with unprecedented times, SIM Central Florida proudly announces our MIT program for those members who are looking for their next opportunity. Our chapter has put together list of upcoming events designed to help our MIT colleagues land their next opportunity.

In an effort to better our communication with out MIT members, we created an email address so members can let our MIT team know when they are in transition so our MIT resources are fully at their disposal.

Are you -- or do you know of -- an IT leader who is looking for his / her next opportunity? Email to be connected with local resources that will help with the resources to land a new opportunity! 

Now more than ever, let's work together to assist our fellow SIM members whose careers are in transition... by sharing your connections, leads, and advice or by employing an MIT in a contract role.

How can you help?

  • Be willing and open to connect fellow SIM members to others in your personal and professional network – as recent events have shown, none of us is ever guaranteed that we will be exempt from seeking a new career direction for ourselves at some point.
  • If you are a hiring manager, please share the roles you have – whether full time or contract -- or if you know or learn of a potential job lead, please share that knowledge via SIM's job board ... simply send the lead and contact information to:

Resources for Members In Transition

SIM National Resources for Members In Transition

  • SIM Members in Transition East Coast meets every Thursday at 8 AM Eastern time. Christopher Bernard and Joseph Puglisi are the regular co-hosts. The meeting is hosted on Zoom at this link:
  • SIM Members in Transition West Coast meets every Tuesday at 8am PST/11am EST. Registration required. Register here.
  • We invite members seeking their next great opportunity, members who have been through the program and others who simply want to give back by helping others.
  • Each week is an opportunity to contribute and learn something new. Why not join us to help or benefit from the conversation.

For more information Click Here

RaghavanTiru, IT Strategist, Global Technology Operations

"The value of being a SIM CFL member became even more apparent as I transitioned to a new role due to COVID-19. I increased both my attendance at the various learning sessions and my participation in SIM's Members-In-Transition group, which greatly helped me hone my LinkedIn profile, refresh my resume, understand the power of professional network and leveraging it. This led directly to my securing a new, rewarding position within IT during one of the most challenging times ever. I don't believe that would have been possible without the benefit and value I derived from the good work of SIM-CFL. "

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